Friday, January 6, 2012

My first semester in college.

I have talked about it briefly, but I recently finished my first semester in college. Wooo! Some people would say "big deal, you should have done that 7 years ago." Yes, they're right. But 7 years ago, my mind/body were just not up for learning. I had just graduated after 13 years in school and I had other things on my mind. Looking back now, those things were completely stupid and shouldn't have interfered with my life, but they did. That is my past, and although I try not to live with regrets, I do regret those decisions a little. Anyway, it is what it is.

Let's get to the good stuff. The grades. I was pretty lucky with classes that weren't too challenging, so my GPA is awesome. :)

I don't know what Quality Points means, but the most important number is my GPA. That makes my entire high school career run and hide. I think my best GPA in high school was somewhere around 2.7. I told you, I just didn't care. Boys were more important, duh!

Anyway. The winter semester starts on Monday, and my classes are a smidge more difficult, so here's to hoping I can maintain that beautiful 3.95. Wish me luck!


  1. Alyssa that is AWESOME! I am so proud of you for following through with this dream. And 3.95?!? You rock. Seriously!
