Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello there.

Well, the first week of winter semester is over. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be WOW.

I shouldn't complain. Since this is only my second semester, it might not be difficult to some people, but for those like me, who haven't been to school in 7 years, this stuff is tough. Big changes are on the horizon for me. I will be forced to come out of my shell in my Communications class. I will learn more about computers than I ever needed to know in my Business Computer Applications class. And I will be lucky if I make it out of Accounting with my ear drums still in tact.

On our first day of class, she went ahead and let us know that the class is hard. Awesome. Things MIGHT be easier if she would explain them once in a clear manner and then proceed to another topic, rather than ramble on and say contradictory things about said subject, but what do I know? I'm just a student! Anyway, my fourth class is an online Business Practices and Principles class. Bet you can't guess what my focus is on right now. (ha) That's right. I'm currently following an outline called 'Business Administration - WMU.' That speaks for itself, but it means that as soon as I finish up a measly 63 credits and KVCC, I will move onto Western to rot my brain a little more and hopefully obtain a Bachelor's Degree (WOOHOOO!).

Can't you tell that I'm excited for this semester!?

Anywho, in other news, we are in for another glorious snowstorm today/tonight/tomorrow. Sigh. We just got dumped upon two weeks ago, and within days it was gone. Now we are looking at another 6 inches and I am bummed. I was kind of enjoying wearing a North Face fleece instead of a huge heavy coat. Oh well. I guess saying that we made it to January 12th with little to no snow is something to be happy about. The best part of all is that I don't have class again until January 18th (thank you MLK Jr!) so at least I won't have to drive in this disaster.

And last but not least, Cameron is headed to the dermatologist tomorrow to see what can be done with the lovely warts he has on his hand. He also has some interesting skin issues going on with the fingers that he refuses to stop chewing on. His fingers are really heartbreaking to look at. Poor guy. At his 3 year checkup, his pediatrician said they could probably get rid of the warts, but that this dermatologist might have a less painful way to do it. So after being referred (IN OCTOBER!) we are finally getting him in tomorrow. Cameron's pediatrician said something about a cream they might be able to use to get rid of the warts, so here's hoping. Poor guy will probably never escape his skin issues.

Stay tuned for a Hannah update on Tuesday. She has her 18 month check up bright and early and I'm excited to see how she's grown. At this point, I would guess that she is still a little chubbier than Cameron was at his 18 month appointment, but not by much. Ever since she started walking, sister has been thinning out. Gone are the days of delicious chubby cheeks.

See you soon!

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