Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our 3rd Anniversary.

Well, it's technically tomorrow (the 13th), but I am feeling nostalgic right now. 3 years have passed - already. It seems like just yesterday that I was a ball of nerves, sick to my stomach in the dressing room, just waiting to get the ceremony part out of the way so we could celebrate being in love.

Our 1st anniversary was spent anticipating the arrival of our first born baby. I think we had dinner at the Olive Garden and called it a night. I was paranoid that the baby would come at any minute, so I know we didn't do much. (He came 11 days later).

Our 2nd anniversary is an even bigger blur. I can't remember what we did. I'm sure it was a dinner date somewhere, but I don't recall. I am awful. Around the time our anniversary came, I was hard at work planning a 1st birthday party for Cameron, and was pretty much focused on that for a couple of weeks.

I am not sure what this year's celebration will be. It kind of sucks that our anniversary falls on a Wednesday, so we are holding off our celebrating until Friday night. We will take the kids to their Grandma and Grandpa's house and go out to celebrate 3 wonderful years. I am excited!


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