Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ah, dreams.

Most days, while I watch my kids play, I wonder why certain things haven't been invented before. Such as..

A personal bubble, just for moms. You know, being a jungle gym is great for a 2 year old, but not so great for a mom. The random jabs to the ribs/nose/face/anywhere are not fun. Or how about the child that hangs off your legs while you're making lunch, leaving you unable to move? Yeah. I think I would love a bubble. 

A toy-picking-up robot like a roomba. This I would buy. And I would likely spend HUNDREDS on it. The first couple of times a day that I have to pick up toys is okay, but after the child tornado has gone through 5 times? No. I'm done. It would be fantastic to have a little helper (ahem, robot) to follow these kids around and pick up everything they throw on the floor. This would not only work for toys, but for fruit snacks/sippy cups/whatever else they decide to throw all over the living room. It would also clean up any spills left behind from said sippy cups. 

Built in earplugs. Another item I would buy in a heart beat. With my kids, the noise NEVER stops. Whether it's Cameron talking nonstop about something he saw on Yo Gabba Gabba or Hannah screaming because Cameron won't stop touching her. It gets old. Fast. How many times a day can one person say "oh, that's great!" or "stop touching your sister!" or "keep your hands to yourself" or "how about you help mommy clean up your toys?" without losing their mind? Not many, my friends. Not many. 

And the thing I want the most. Some sort of Jetson's style tube that will take me to my own personal island when I'm ready to wave the white flag. When I have a day that sends me inches from the loony bin. When the screaming/talking/crying/whatever turns into a migraine from hell. I want to get into that tube and magically appear on an island (somewhere in Hawaii would be nice..) with a nice, cold drink in my hand. And maybe someone with a fan keeping me comfortable, because let's face it. This girl does not do the beach (normally). 

Anything you want to add? Something you think every mom should have?

It has been nice dreaming of things that will never come true, but for now, it's back to crazy town I go. There is a tired little girl that needs a diaper change being tormented by her brother that is probably naked from the waist down (gotta love potty training). Until next time.

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