Thursday, February 23, 2012

Life is great

This morning while I was watching my babies play together, I realized that I have been taking a lot for granted. I am extremely lucky to have a husband that loves me and puts up with the person that I am. We are lucky to be the parents of two incredible kids that make us laugh and smile more every single day. It is so easy to get caught up in life's every day problems and forget the things that mean the most to you.

Like this:

Brotherly/sisterly love that happens on its own.

And this:

Spending time coloring together after an afternoon nap.

A sweet baby that pays attention the the world around her:

And a little boy future rock star that puts on daily performances:

Life is good, and it sometimes feels great to stop and remember that. 


  1. very well said! and? your babies are gorgeous.

  2. Aww, thank you so much! I won't even get started on the cuteness that is Emily with a top knot! Hannah's hair is growing into a beautiful mullet. It's just beautiful! :/

  3. It does go by so fast and we do need to take the time to reflect on all the good things that are in our lives and how fortunate we are to have those joys.
