Cameron is just about half way done with Kid's Gym, and he loves it more every week. He is getting more brave by the class, and after doing a somersalt for a sticker this week, he is obsessed. He gets into the position all the time and wants us to help him flip over. It's adorable. He has gotten a lot more adventurous in 3 weeks and I am really proud of him.
Hannah is one busy girl. She has perfected an army crawl, and is currently trying to figure out how to crawl for real. Everyday, she gets better, and in no time she will be taking off after her brother. Sigh. She is also busy cutting her first tooth. It has been hellish over here for the past few days. She is miserable and isn't afraid to let us know. Tylenol and baby orajel are her best friends and make things a little easier on all of us during sleep times. And last but not least, my girl is clapping. Cameron was clapping up a storm and yelling "MOMMY CLAP TOO!" at me the other day, so I obliged. Minutes later, Hannah had her hands smacking together and absolutely loves to clap. She is so freaking adorable.
She turned 8 months old a little more than a week ago, and her next doctor's appointment isn't until the middle of April, so I don't have any stats for you. I would assume she broke the 20 pound mark and she appears to be getting longer. She is getting more hair, although nowhere near enough for a clip at this point. She is becoming more expressive and makes the cutest funny face I've ever seen. Well, it looks a lot like Cameron's funny face, so I guess they're tied. ;)
Stay tuned for more posts. I am trying to get everything back to normal around here. I can't wait to be able to take these kids outside all the time and get some fun new pictures, if spring ever decides to come and STAY!
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