Josh's mom and I took Cameron (and his 2nd cousin) to the circus on Wednesday night. I knew it would be hit or miss. He would like to see the animals and some of the show, but he would be staying up past his bedtime, and the boy needs his sleep. Anyways..
We got to the arena a little early since it was general admission and you could sit wherever you wanted to. They had an elephant, a camel and a handful of little horses for people to ride (for a pretty penny, I might add). So we walked around and watched the animals.
We walked around until it got too crowded and made our way to our seats. Cameron was so overwhelmed by the amount of people in the arena that it was hard to get a picture of him. But I, being the momarazzi that I am, tried my best.
Just before the show finally started, Cameron's grandma bought him an awesome light up toy. He waved it around for awhile during the show - and he plays with it at home all the time too. :)

All in all, I would say he had a great time. He did his fair share of relaxing on grandma and almost falling asleep when they turned the lights down, but he stayed awake through all of it, and even found some energy on the way home. I love this boy.
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