I was just over 20 weeks pregnant. March 3rd, 2010 was the day of my big ultrasound. We arrived at the hospital anticipating the words "it's a boy!" to come out of the ultrasound tech's mouth. After stewing in the waiting room for 20 minutes, we were finally called back. We brought Cameron and Josh's mom with us. MIL entertained Cameron while Josh and I focused on the screen. Now, I've had ultrasounds before. I know that they like to make you wait in anticipation while they measure out the boring stuff and hold out on the goods until the very last second. This lady was different. She got out the wand and went to work. Not even 5 minutes into the ultrasound, she asked if we were wanting to know the sex of the baby. Of course! We waited for a minute while she got the shot on the screen and were shocked to hear "it's a girl!" What? Girls just don't happen in Josh's family. Out of 9 Heystek cousins, 2 are girls. Everyone had told me from the beginning to not get my hopes up. Well, Hannah proved them wrong!
We loaded Cameron into MIL's car and we headed on our way to the Detroit area for a night away. We hit up an outlet mall and bought tons of pink clothes from Carters and Oshkosh before heading to our 1st visit at PF Changs for dinner. From there, we ended our night at a Red Wings hockey game. We had such a great day. We are so glad we have our little girl and wouldn't change anything about her.
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