As soon as we were allowed into the gym area, he went wild. He played on everything and left me in the dust. As the other students arrived, he started chasing after them. He has definitely come out of his shy streak. By the time everyone showed up, I realized that he was the only boy in the class. 5 girls and Cameron. It definitely didn't get him down!
Since it was our first class, I wasn't sure what to expect, but the teacher was great about explaining what we would be doing next. There was a lot of free running around time, as well as time spent as a group singing songs and playing with a parachute. The teacher explained how to do 2 gymnastic-like activities and whoever did them got stickers. Cameron did them both and decided that he likes stickers now. At the end of the class, we sang a goodbye song and the teacher came around and put stamps on each of Cameron's hands. He loved it. As we were getting ready to leave, he watched one of the girls give the teacher a hug, so he gave her one too. Monkey see, monkey do.
While we were putting our shoes on, I asked him if he had fun. "Uh-huh." "Should we come back next week?" "Oh yeah!" So that solves it. I guess we will be going back next week! :)
i did that with mikayla last year and she loved it !!