Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Every now and then, I like to go through my high school yearbook for nostalgia's sake. It makes me incredibly sad that I graduated 8 years ago (where has the time gone?!), but it's fun. To see pictures of people you used to be really close with. Or to read the messages they wrote to you so long ago. It is pretty funny that Shutterfly sent me an email and asked me to write about their new yearbooks, because I was just looking through mine the other day.

Now, mine isn't nearly as cool as theirs will be. You know how high school yearbooks go. You pay around $60 for a huge, clunky book that is mostly in black and white. Well, at my school anyway. The only people that were in color were the seniors. Same goes for the yearbooks that were issued in middle school and elementary school. They were boring! They lacked color and personality and were a drag to look at.

Check these bad boys out:
Photo Yearbook

How fun are those? The bright colors, the fun fonts. I would have loved to have a yearbook like that when I was growing up. Let's face it, yearbooks are great for people like me that like to escape from every day life once in awhile and remember what it was like to be young, and carefree. A yearbook like this? I would probably look at it all.the.time. I am crazy about Shutterfly and their products, but this might be my favorite one yet.

And because I know you're all so interested in my senior yearbook photo:

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