Ahh, August. One month closer to my favorite season, fall. I can't be happy living in Michigan. I hate the snow and driving in the winter, but also loathe the humidity and heat of the summer. So when fall and spring roll around, I am a happy camper. Anyway..
This fall holds some excitement for our house. I have finally decided to go to college (emphasis on finally), and will be starting my classes in the first week of September. I have decided to work toward a degree in accounting, starting off with 2 years at a community college before transferring to a university. Lord help me. I haven't gone to school in 5 years, when I attended one semester at a community college in California. The pessimistic side of me worries that I will do an awful job. Like high school all over again. Who had time to study or do homework? Life at 16 consisted of chasing after boys and hanging out with friends. School work took the backseat to everything else in life.
Now, I'm 25, and I have a high school education. Not good enough. I have enjoyed my time at home with the kids, but they won't stay young forever. One day, they'll go to school, and I won't want to sit around here anymore. So going to school to get an education that will lead me to a job is what is best for us. Not only will I get some adult conversation/interaction every day, but we will have extra money. That sounds amazing. I look forward to getting out and actually doing something with my life.
Also coming this fall, a little boy will turn 3. Say what?! 3? I think I need a drink.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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