I took the kids to the library yesterday afternoon since I needed to pick up the next 2 books in the series I'm reading (Stephanie Plum mystery novels, recommended by a few Heysteks). Anyway, after I got my books, we went to the library's lower level where the kids' books are. They have a special room just for toddlers to play in, so we spent some time in there. Cameron absolutely loves the library and asks to go at least twice a week. And every time we go, he asks to see the trucks, like the time the big trucks were there.
Here is a picture of Hannah playing with the blocks. This was not a long lived activity though. She kept on chewing on them, so she had to be directed to a different toy. Silly girl.
I love the semi-side eye. "Tell me 'no no no' again, I dare you!"
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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