Yesterday, our local library invited kids and their parents to come down and learn about safety. Like what to do if there is a down power line, or where not to play when the snow plows are on the roads. We watched a quick video about how to be safe outside, got a super cool (not so) hard hat, and went outside to look at some big trucks. Luckily, the sun wasn't out yet, so it wasn't too terribly hot.
But before we went outside, Cameron let me take a couple of pictures of him with the road signs. He looks thrilled, doesn't he?
After I was done torturing him inside, we got to go out to the parking lot to check out the trucks. Little boy was in heaven. He didn't know which one to stare at first, or which one he wanted to sit in. There were a lot of people there, and the temperature had started creeping up, so we compromised on looking at the fire truck and sitting in a front loader. He absolutely loves fire trucks and was in awe of the one they had on display there. It was too bad they didn't let the kids sit inside of it, because he would have been a happy boy.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
It looks like he had fun in the big yellow one!