After he packed up his jeep, we headed to lunch with Josh's mom and his step-dad. They were keeping Cameron for the night so we could get another date night in before we become outnumbered. We said goodbye, then headed to my grandparent's house for a little while. After we sat there for half an hour, we set out on a quest to try and find some fun outdoor water toys for Cameron to play with. The boy loves all things water. After we ended our search empty handed, we headed for dinner and to the movies to see Iron Man 2.
Sunday morning was spent taking Cameron's old crib apart and returning it to Target. It had been recalled twice, one of the recalls was from July 2009. So we returned it, bought a new one, and came home and put it together. Josh assembled it as a toddler bed, just to see how Cameron would do with it. After that was all done, we got ready and headed to grandma and grandpa's to pick him up. When we got home, we played outside with a water toy we found on clearance for $5.
After we wore ourselves out playing in the hot sun, we came in and Cameron laid down for a late nap.
His first nap in the big boy bed was successful, but the night was not. He rolled out of the bed twice and scared himself big time. He wound up sleeping in between Josh and me Sunday night and woke up exhausted. Josh put the side up on the crib, so now he's back to being confined. He doesn't mind it at all though.
Yesterday was Memorial Day, and we were all exhausted. The weather was crappy, it rained almost all day, so we stayed inside and took nice long naps. Hope you all had a good weekend!
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