Friday afternoon, Cameron and I met up with Josh's mom and grandma at a neighborhood garage sale. It was blistering hot, the temperature was only 88 but said it felt like 95. I believe it. Anyway, she had been finding some bargains and we headed over to see what she had found. She bought a changing table for Hannah's room, and only paid $7 for it. This was a nice neighborhood too, so everything looked like it was in great condition. It is stained a light wood color, so we (not sure who yet!) are going to paint it white and throw it up in her room. After that goes in, I think her room will be done, besides a couple of little things Josh still has to hang up on the walls. =)
MIL also found a really cute bouncy seat for Hannah. Yes, we already had one from when Cameron was a baby, but this is one of those papasan ones that makes me wish I were a baby again. So here is how Cameron spent his Saturday morning:
Of course, the urge to start nesting has started to kick in, so I went in the basement and brought up the infant seat we used with Cameron and will use again with Hannah. I set it on the floor in the living room, set off to find a way to remove the sticker some idiot at Chuck-E-Cheese had put on it, and came back to this:
I love that boy. He helped me clean the seat while the cover was in the washer and was eager to play with it again once it was all put back together. He is so helpful!
Sunday morning was spent giving Josh his cards (he already got his gifts - I am terrible at surprises) and going out for donuts. We drove to Grand Rapids to have lunch at Chipotle (Josh's favorite) and to walk around at the mall up there. I would say he had a pretty great father's day weekend. =)
Here's a picture of the gifts Cameron made for him. Have a great day!
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