We are officially 5 weeks away from meeting baby Hannah! I can't believe it. It seems like it was just yesterday that I took the test on a whim and found myself face to face with a positive result. According to the websites that I have looked at, and the app on my handy-dandy iPhone, the chica weighs almost 5 pounds and is close to 17 inches long right now. And I believe it. This girl lives in my ribs. All day, every day. I can't remember the last time I didn't have a constant pain in my ribs. Even tickling her feet won't move her. *5 more weeks, 5 more weeks.*
After reading lots of raves and reviews, I ordered these stickers for her yesterday. I guess you just peel them off and stick them on the front of a onesie, but they appear to be ironed on. I didn't do month by month pictures of Cameron, and since Hannah will be our last baby, I plan on taking a million pictures of her every day. Aren't those adorable?!
My mom is just as obsessed with buying tiny pink clothes as I am, so when I show her something I love, she usually goes out to buy it. I FINALLY found the outfit I want her to wear when she comes home from the hospital. Here it is!
It is pretty far zoomed out, but the onesie says little sister on it. I am in love!
There really isn't anything new going on with Cameron. He has been talking a lot more, and saying his new favorite word - "hi". He said 'hi' to the cashier at JoAnn's about 40 times yesterday. I love that boy.
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