Life at our house is getting more hectic by the month, I swear.
Cameron is coming up on his (tear) 3rd birthday. He has already been telling me what he wants to do for his 'birday'. He wants to go to Chuck E Cheese (ugh) and have a happy birday cake - with Buzz Lightyear and Lightning McQueen on it. I hope I can convince him to do something besides Chuck E Cheese. That place is a migraine waiting to happen. Maybe I can talk him in to going bowling.
His vocabulary is growing by the day, and his favorite word is 'no'. I am afraid that the threes will be more terrible than the twos, and that is saying a lot. He is into kung fu (not sure where he picked this up), and likes to punch and kick things. He spends a good amount of time in time out because his favorite target is his sister. I scheduled his first dentist appointment for next Wednesday, and he is excited. I told him that the dentist is going to tickle and count his teeth, and when he is all done, he gets to pick a prize from a treasure chest. He is so excited. He won't stop talking about it.
Hannah is, well, Hannah. She has seemed to slow down in the growth department (thank God!) and is getting close to walking. She has been walking with hands for a few months now, but is just not ready to take off on her own yet. I am torn on this anyways. I know that once she walks, she will be more demanding, but I'm hoping she'll be a little easier too. As I type this blog post, she is standing up on her own clapping. She does this often. I keep on thinking that it won't be long before she takes off, but who knows.
She's been saying more words, bringing her count up to like 6 words. Mama, Dada, Baba, Baa (bath), Papa and Nana. She loves to read books and I have a feeling that she will be a dancer. She loves music and dancing around.
And as for me, well, I am about to be busy. I start my classes next Tuesday. I am taking 12 credit hours this semester. I registered for my classes a little late, so to get full time status, I have to take 5 classes. Thanks to advice from some Mean Mommies, I have decided I will make myself a schedule to ensure that I get my work done and maintain good grades. I know I can do it, I just need to hold myself accountable. I want to be a better student than I was in high school. Well, let's face it, I had a C average in high school, so I want to blow that out of the water. Wish me luck!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
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