Hannah is a big girl. She is still drinking 8 ounce bottles of formula every 3 or 4 hours, and has started having rice cereal and even some fruit and veggie purees. We have discovered that she is not crazy about bananas, much like her brother, but likes sweet potatoes and applesauce (Cameron's favorites when he was a baby as well). She still hates tummy time, but will put up with it from time to time. She has rolled from belly to back once, and is really close to being able to roll from back to belly. She loves to play with Cameron's toys (and by play, I mean put them in her mouth and chew on them) and pull her socks off. She loves her piggies. She is still not the greatest sleeper, and wakes up a couple of times in the night, but she has to maintain her chubby little thighs somehow, right?
Happy 5 monthday, Hannah. We love you!
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