And that is what we did today.
Hannah had taken a nice 30-minute cat nap this morning and woke up in good spirits, so I broke out my fleece, plexi glass and camera and started taking some pictures of her in the Santa hat her grandma bought for her. It started out wonderfully. She was on her tummy, not throwing a fit, looked at the camera several times and even smiled once (and I missed it). She started to get a little fussy half way through, then I blinked and she was on her back. The girl absolutely hates tummy time. In Hannah's world, tummy time is some sort of torturous punishment. We have been trying to enforce daily tummy time for awhile now, but the screaming always gets to be too much and we give up. Now that she has figured out how to roll, we will have to be a little more strict. And as soon as it happened, the joy was stripped away as Cameron began screaming. I could not figure out what was wrong, and looked him over for a good few minutes before I realized that his foot was bleeding. I am pretty sure that he had cut it on the plexi glass while I was celebrating with Hannah. I cleaned it up and managed to get a bandaid on it while he continued screaming. I eventually got him to calm down - that was until I had to change the bandaid. He ate lunch and is now down for a nap, so I am hoping he will be his normal self when he wakes up.
Here are the pictures I took of Hannah, and one of Cameron too. =)
Such models in training!