After browsing at Best Buy for what seemed like forever, I found the Nook Color. I fell in love. I put it on my mental wish list and went on my way. After doing much research on it, Josh and I decided to go back and buy it.
Isn't it pretty? Josh found me the Harry Potter series on pdf files, so I am reading those now. Yes, Harry Potter. There seems to be a lot of hype surrounding these books, so I finally gave it. This is very reminscent of Twilight, which I also resisted for a long time. I am about 3/4 through the first Harry Potter book, and have 6 more to go. I am loving this Christmas gift.
And because every girl loves accessories, here is the cover I picked up for my beloved new Nook yesterday at Barnes & Noble.
You can't tell from the picture, but it is bright pink and pretty. Merry Christmas to me!
And before you go feeling sorry for Josh, he got himself a combined birthday/Christmas present over the weekend as well. Not as awesome as mine, but he loves it.
Santa was good to us this year. =)
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