Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day Nine - My Friends

Well this one will be short and sweet. I lost touch with a lot of my friends when I completely uprooted my life and moved to California. I didn't have a cell phone, and money was tight so I couldn't call or visit home as much as I wanted to. I have changed a lot since high school, and unfortunately, a lot of the friendships I had ended with the change.

I still talk to a couple of girls (although pretty infrequently) that I hung out with in high school. Since the post today is supposed to be pictures of me and my friends, I shall post them. Ah, memories. =)

Jamie and Me. The top 2 are 8th grade, the bottom is from 11th.
Jamie and me.
Jamie, Kim, Courtney and me at Grad Bash.
Poker with Kim at Grad Bash.
Jamie has been my friend for as long as I can remember. I think we were best friends starting some time in 8th grade. We went through a lot together through high school, and as teenage girls do, we had our fights. Kim says I invited her to my birthday party when we were in elementary school. She says that we had Lisa Frank party favors. I didn't meet Courtney until high school. These girls put up with a lot of crap from me, especially considering one of them always had to come pick me up (no driver's license!). We may have grown apart, but I still love these girls like nothing ever happened.

Now onto the girl I still talk to the most. She was another one that had to put up with my crap on a regular basis, but not quite as much. She was introduced to me by my boyfriend in 9th grade. I always say that even though that relationship turned out to be a dud, it was okay since I got one of my best friends out of it. Meet Amy.

We mainly got to hang out on the weekends since she went to a school that was 20 minutes away from mine. We spent a lot of time on the phone talking (in typical girl fashion) about nothing at all. She lived out in the middle of nowhere when we were both too young to drive, and neither of our parents were thrilled to drive us back and forth, so we definitely did not get to hang out much. She got her driver's license right on time in sophomore year, and the rest is history. (We won't get into all of that...)

At this point in my life, I would consider her to be my closest friend, but that is a longshot. She is another one that I pushed away while I have been struggling with my insecurities. She just recently moved to Texas and came back soon after, so I am looking forward to rekindling our friendship. We're practically meant to be BFFs! =)


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