What is he up to?
He has developed what is probably an unhealthy obsession with Toy Story, well, Buzz Lightyear to be exact. This has been a love a few months in the making. Buzz has evolved from "Buh" to "Buzz" in that time. He is still a little confused by the movies though, seeing that he thinks Buzz says "Yee-Haw," not Woody ("Dee-Dee" if you ask Cameron). Each and every night, Cameron is tucked into his bed under a sheet and a soft, cozy Toy Story blanket. He cuddles up to his stuffed Buzz and Woody dolls and falls asleep for the night.
He is getting much faster on his feet. This is not surprising at all to us, seeing that the kid practically ran the day after he learned how to walk. If he is out of the cart at a store and sees something that looks interesting, he is gone. He has been trying to jump, and is getting better at it by the day.
He still loves the same foods that he has always loved. Chicken nuggets, fish sticks, corn dogs, waffles, applesauce, green beans and his beloved kiwi-strawberry juice. He still drinks whole milk in the morning and before bed and says "nom nom" while he gulps it down. M&Ms are still his favorite treat and he dances around saying "nem nem" when he sees a bag.
Cameron is a great big brother. He loves to hold Hannah's bottle while she eats and put her pacifier in her mouth when she cries. He will hold his arms out and say "Nana! Nana!" when he wants to hold her (which is quite often). He loves to show her his toys and tries to share his food with her.
His vocabulary is also growing. He doesn't say too terribly much, but he is a chatter box when he wants to be. Latest words include "backpack" (thanks to Dora), the aforementioned "Buzz"and "knee". He can also show you where most of his body parts are and tell you the name of them. Maybe he will be a doctor one day. He has also picked up a bad word (ass), but hasn't repeated it since the day he heard it and repeated me almost instantly.
I love this boy.
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