Sunday, August 8, 2010

bad, bad blogger

I'm sure I can be forgiven, but finding the time to blog just doesn't come as easily as it used to. I (foolishly) thought that adding one more kid to the mix wouldn't be so difficult. Boy, was I mistaken. It has been quite challenging so far. Cameron is cutting two of his eye teeth and has been a nightmare. I am hoping that once the teeth finally come through he will be in a better mood. Hannah is a typical newborn - eat, poop, sleep. Repeat x 8. I love the cuddle time with her though. I am sure that once both of these kids are on some kind of schedule (that is the same), things will be worlds better. I can usually get them both to nap at the same time in the morning, but the afternoon is a different story. Cameron will sleep from 2:30-4:30, and Hannah will not. She will fuss and just want to be held until 4, and then finally falls asleep. By the time 4 rolls around, I am so ready for a nap, and I take the half an hour I get.

My recovery has been really great. I am feeling really good, just the occasional twinge of pain. My biggest issue has come with drying up my breast milk, but I won't go into too much detail about that. I decided to quit using the breast pump when I realized that sitting down for 20 minutes and pumping, then taking another 20 minutes to feed a bottle to Hannah all while Cameron is running around like a crazy person and Hannah starts crying every 3 hours is just not realistic (for me at least).

I am starting up a new series with this blog tomorrow, and I am SO excited about it.

There it is, folks. I am starting up a SERIOUS diet tomorrow. I still have about 5 pounds to lose to be back to my pre-pregnant with Hannah weight, and another 25 after that to be where I was before I got pregnant with Cameron. I would like to lose another 25 on top of that, so I have about 55 pounds to lose. It hurts me to type that, but I will write up a nice, long post about how I got to where I am and where I want to be tomorrow.


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