Remember back to school time when you were younger? Yeah, it looked a lot like this.
It's still quite a bit like that for me, as I get ready for my 5th (gah) semester in college. I struggle to remind myself that I am 2 semesters away from graduating with an associates (yeah, just an associates - not a huge deal) and push myself to finish because I know I can.
Anyway, when it comes to Cameron going to school, I can now understand why my parents always loved this time of year. I recently saw this picture and I laughed out loud. Literally. This is so absolutely perfect it's not even funny.
While I absolutely loathed back to school time when I was younger, my absolute favorite part was going shopping for school stuff. New backpacks? Binders? The best pens? Yup. Best part of school, hands down. It is kind of a sickness. When they start rolling the supplies out at Target in June, I get excited. The smell of crayons, the new stuff they come out with, all of it. Love. Butttt, we have a problem. We won't know who Cameron's teacher is until about a week before school starts, and along the same lines, we haven't received a list yet. Do you know me? I am a planner. I want to know what I need with a lot of notice and I want to start buying things asap. I found a list at Target that I thought was Cameron's, but no. Every single website (except his school's) has been updated with lists and they are all different. Of course. So until we get the definite list, we are buying random things that we assume will be needed.
We have been checking out clothes and shoes and trying to decide what he wants to wear at big boy school. The things I have loved so far include..
So, the countdown is on!
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