I'm still here! I don't know what my problem is, but good grief. Life has gotten busy, guys!
Things are all pretty much the same around here.
Cameron is about 2 months away from graduating from preschool. His school year has flown by and if you ask me, he has certainly benefited from going to preschool. He had a round of testing in December and the teacher is doing it again right now, so we will be able to tell based on that how much he has improved throughout the school year. Speaking of school, on Tuesday night, Josh and I went to a parent meeting at his elementary school. You read that right, ELEMENTARY school. It doesn't seem possible that this little guy is going to be a full-day student in the fall, but he is. :tears: He will be tested by the school in April to determine whether he will be going to young 5s or kindergarten, but either way, he will spend 5 full days a week at school. It will be an adjustment for me and Hannah, but it is very exciting!

Hannah could technically go to preschool in the fall, but she would have to be potty trained, and since I am mother of the year, I can admit that she is not potty trained yet. She will be 3 in July and has had major successes in this area, but with everything else going on in daily life (my school, Cameron's school, SO MUCH DRIVING), we haven't had time. This summer, though, will be the end of diapers in our household. Woot! This girl is a complete chatterbox and talks ALL THE TIME. Somedays, it gets to be so much that I have to ask her to please whisper or go talk in another room. She is a naughty little thing, always getting into everything she knows she's not supposed to. She's lucky she's so cute.

In other news, I celebrated my 27th birthday this week. It depresses me that the number on the end of that 20 is getting so high, lol. I don't want to turn 30! I remember being 18 and feeling like 30 was so far away, and then I blinked and now I'm so close. I'm working really hard to do good things with my life, so I can be proud of who I am and what I've done. One day at a time, I suppose! I'm still in school, with 2 semesters remaining until I get an associates degree. I'm taking it one semester at a time, trying not to overwhelm myself with what lies ahead. It will be worth it in the end, which is about a year from now. Can't complain!
Until next time!