Sunday, August 12, 2012

I heart Chicago

For the past few weeks, the girls I've 'known' since we were pregnant the first time (so like 4.5 years ago) have been planning a huge get together in Chicago. I have yo-yo'd like a crazy person with so much happening this month (and receiving bad news about a family member), but decided last minute on Friday afternoon to go. I had enough time to take a shower, do my hair and makeup and throw together an overnight bag before I left. I hopped a train in Michigan City and headed to Chicago. I love it there.

I arrived in Chicago at 6:30 and patiently waited to meet up with the other girls. I met one right off the bat and we listened to a tour group guide tell a story about how the hotel we were staying in was haunted, and other ghost stories. Interesting..

As soon as (most) everyone arrived, it was off to dinner at a pizza joint. Holy yum. 

a picture of our pizza, courtesy of Ashley

And I took some awesome pictures of me and a couple of the girls.

Caroline & Me

Tara & Me

Ashley & Me (photo courtesy of Ashley)

Amaretto sours with Tara at the hotel bar

Looks like I really needed more to drink. Oye.

And after that, it was all a blur. To say I had a good time is a massive understatement. While the other girls stayed throughout Saturday and part of Sunday, I was on a train headed home Saturday morning. I had other things I needed to do (and my cold kicked into overdrive on the train), so it was for the best. I'm still holding out hope for another get together in the spring where I can stay the whole time. I had a blast and can't wait to do it again!


  1. I'm so glad you could go, and still bummed that I couldn't. It looks like you had a great time, which you deserved!

  2. I wish you could have been there, Myndee! I would have gotten to see you for probably 20 minutes, but it still would have been nice to meet you! Next time, for sure. :)

  3. I somehow missed this post, but better late than never! SOOOO happy you were able to make it. It was fabulous!
