I'm back, trying to revive this blog!
It has been HOT here for the past week, as it has been all across the country. We have been trying to stay around home and out of the heat. This girl does not like to sweat, and the idea of sweating just sitting outside doing nothing? GROSS.
Friday night was spent at home. We ordered a pizza with this sweet deal, and all piled into Josh's car to go pick it up. But wait. The car won't start. He has been having problems with the hunka junk for a few weeks now. Awesome. So we switch cars and get into mine and go. We hung out and did next to nothing until bath and bedtime and called it a night.
Saturday morning was filled with poptarts and oatmeal and early morning cartoons. Josh got a much needed haircut and I took my wedding rings to the jewelry store to be inspected. For the next few days, I am a floozy (Josh's words), because a diamond fell out and needed to be replaced. Thank god for the lifetime protection plan! We had lunch and took off to Target and Toys R Us so we could find something for Hannah for her birthday. We came up empty handed. There is nothing out there that this sweet girl needs! We even thought about being impractical but still couldn't come up with anything. Add that to the guilt I feel about not throwing her a party, and this mama feels terrible. :(
Saturday night was date night! Josh and I had dinner together at Bdubs (um, yum) and set off for a double movie date with friends. The boys saw the Avengers and us girls saw Magic Mike. I am NOT a fan of Channing Tatum in everyday life. Dude is not cute, at all, and his acting makes me laugh. But in this movie, I was slightly swayed. Not enough to change my opinion though. :)
Sunday morning, we got to sleep in. Kids were with their grandparents for the night on Saturday. I woke up briefly around 7 and was sure I was up for the day. Nope. When I finally came around, it was 10. I don't remember the last time I slept that long. It was nice. We had lunch and headed over to pick up the kids. They are becoming water babies. Swam for awhile with the inlaws on Saturday night and were back in the pool Sunday morning. How cute is this little thing?
Someone was getting a little too adventurous and had to have floaties put on her arms. Time for a second puddle jumper!
It was a fantastic weekend. We are looking forward to a short work week and the 4th of July on Wednesday. It is easily one of my top 3 favorite holidays. Ready to bust out the red, white and blue outfits, because that's how this family rolls.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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