Ah, yes. Thank God It's Friday indeed. This week has been nothing short of exciting, that's for sure. Let's recap, shall we?
Hannah developed a weird cough last week and it stuck with her for awhile. I took her to the pediatrician on Monday to have her checked out just in case. Well, after waiting for an hour and a half, seeing the doctor and having an x-ray done (just to make sure it wasn't pneumonia), sister is just fine. Must be some sort of virus going around. By the time that visit was over, it was 3:45 (appointment started at 2:15, we were there at 2) and it was definitely time for a nap. Ahh.
Tuesday morning was spent checking out the big trucks at the library. We didn't last too long there since it was heating up really fast outside. We had lunch afterwards and I'm pretty sure we bummed around the house for the rest of the day. I couldn't really tell you what all we did, if I'm being honest.
And that brings us to Wednesday. Freaking awesome Wednesday. The morning started off like they have been lately. Cameron wakes up at 6:30 (I know, right?!) and Hannah starts banging on her door around 7:30. Between 7:30 and 8:30, Cameron has an accident in his underpants. I am busy trying to clean poop out of the carpet in my bedroom when I hear it. A super loud thump. I thought it was just Hannah falling over like she does fairly often. But the cry/scream that followed didn't belong to Hannah. It was Cameron. I ran out into the hallway as soon as I heard it and Cameron was running towards me bleeding. I couldn't tell exactly where the blood was coming from at first, but I just saw that there was a lot of it. I am the world's most squeamish person, so blood and I do not get along very well. I take him into the bathroom to get him cleaned up and calmed down. After about 5 minutes, the crying and bleeding has stopped. He bounces back in no time at all and is back playing in the living room.
I called my husband and MIL to tell them about what happened. At some point in one of those calls, I decided that I would call the pediatrician to get their advice on what had just happened. I explained to them that I hadn't seen what had happened but he seemed to be okay now. They convinced me to take him to the ER, just in case. Fantastic. At this point, it's 9:30 and he is acting completely normal. I call Josh to come home to watch Hannah so I don't have to wrangle 2 toddlers in the emergency room. I also call MIL again to see if she will come with us to help keep Cameron calm. (Just in case). Well, long story short, after sitting in the ER for 3 hours, Cameron walked out with one shiny staple in his head. It was heartbreaking. Like I said before, I am squeamish, so I waited in the hallway as MIL held Cameron while the doctor put the staple in. The curtain didn't camouflage the sound of the staple going in or the cry he let out afterwards, but after a minute or so, he was fine again.
Here's the proud boy playing with some of the toys the PCA brought him in the ER. He thought it was super cool.
Both MIL and I were super proud of him, so she took us to McDonald's to get him a happy meal. And before we were done with the day, he was also the owner of a brand new toy from Toys R Us. I think she loves him. :)
Thursday.. let me try to remember what happened on Thursday. We didn't do much because it was raining. We met Josh for lunch and came back home. Super thrilling day Thursday was.
And today. It's finally Friday! (Insert Rebecca Black song here). We don't really have much going on in terms of plans for today or this weekend. The house needs to be cleaned (will probably work on that at some point today) and the basement needs to be organized (again). I would love to find something fun to do with these kiddos, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Hope you have a fantastic weekend. Here's to an easy week next week! (Not likely, ANOTHER pediatrician visit and a trip to have the staple removed are in my future).