1. First and foremost, after the nasty storm that came through and dumped a ton of snow on us, I want a snowblower!
A lady who lives down the street from us was kind enough to do half of our driveway first thing this morning, but we still had to do another half plus the sidewalks and front doorsteps, so we have been busy. Luckily, our neighbor across the street let us borrow her snowblower to finish up the job. 3 hours of snow removal is NOT my kind of snow day! Luckily for us, we have one, but it needs to be fixed. Hopefully soon, or before any more huge snowstorms.
2. I don't know if you've noticed, but a lot of the pictures I take are lacking good lighting. Our house is older and the floor plan is boxy, so there isn't much natural light flowing through it. I bought a lightscoop a while back, but it doesn't work the way I hoped it would. My next big camera purchase is a speedlite.
This bad boy should take care of some of my lighting problems. You can move the flash to bounce it off different things. My dad has this one and loves it, so I will be getting it too. Hopefully soon!
3. And last but not least, a vacation.
I know what you're thinking. Disney World? Really? Yes, really. Josh and I went to Orlando for our honeymoon and spent 2 days touring Disney World. We agreed then that as soon as we had kids, we would take them. Well, we have 2 kids, and we are doing it. Sometime in the early months of 2012, we will be taking Cameron and Hannah and going to Disney World. We are hoping that my mom and stepdad and Josh's mom and stepdad will come with us. We are really hoping to stay in a Disney resort this time and experience everything there is to be done while staying there.
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