This guy goes for $100 regular price. A deal finding website I frequent had posted that people were buying him for $25 on clearance. I stalked the 2 nearest Targets to me trying to find it, but unfortunately, I never got one.
On Saturday, we went to Chuck E Cheese for Josh's cousin Matthew's birthday party. Cameron always loves to burn off some energy running around there, so we take him. He loves Matthew, and his grandma was going to be there, so he was game. We stayed for a couple of hours and came home for nap time. While the kids napped, I ran a couple of errands. I saw a headband I wanted to re-create for Hannah, so I went to JoAnn's first.
Aren't those adorable? I did create a couple of my own (surprisingly easy!) and attached them to an elastic headband. A picture of Hannah coming a little later. =) I also went to Toys R Us for some new sippy cups and Old Navy to scope the clearance situation over there. There were a couple of things I wanted to get for Hannah in there, but after seeing her closet, I refrained.
Sunday, Cameron and I went grocery shopping while Josh and Hannah stayed home to play. While we were there, I bought some frozen veggies and fresh fruit to make my own baby food. I got a couple of apples, a pear, a sweet potato, and a bag of frozen green beans and a bag of carrots. More on this a little later. =)
After we came home and dropped the groceries off, I took Cameron to get his haircut. It was getting a little too long. He did an awesome job. Here's the funny guy before bed last night.
While the kids napped, I cooked some apples, pureed them and made Hannah some applesauce. She wasn't too crazy about it, it was pretty sweet. We mixed it with some other food tonight and she ate it. Cameron had a bowl and of course, he loved it. Tonight I steamed up some green beans and pureed those for tomorrow. The girl loves green beans, so I am hoping they are a hit. I much more fond of making my own baby food and saving the money for other things.
To end the day, we had dinner at Olive Garden (much thanks to Jason for the giftcard. It was soo good). Cameron had his own ravioli and ate 3/4 of his plate. Plus breadsticks. He is getting so big. Hannah played with her Little People toys and ate a little of her applesauce. She also rocked her new handband. =)
Forgive the quality of the picture, it was taken with my cell phone.
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