Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cameron is 2!

It has been awhile since I updated, but for a good reason. I spent most of the last week preparing for Cameron's 2nd (cry) birthday party. More on that later, but let's look back at the life of Cameron.

Cameron Richard Heystek was born on October 24th, 2008 at 1:09 pm. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 20.5 inches long. His delivery was quite stressful on him, and he wound up in the NICU for 6 days after a pretty bad meconium aspiration. We finally got to bring him home on October 30th, and have been in love ever since.

The first picture of Cameron sans wires and IVs.

His first year was awesome. I loved watching him grow, watching him roll over and crawl, listening to his coos, noises and his first words. He took his time reaching his milestones, that's for sure. The crazy boy didn't crawl until he was 9 months old.

His first birthday was celebrated BIG time. We had a party for him where he received more gifts than we could have ever imagined. We joked for awhile afterwards that it looked like Toys R Us threw up all over our house. There is no doubt that this boy is seriously loved.

Birthday boy!

Cameron finally took his first steps in March of 2010. We thought we would be carrying him to kindergarten. Just as everyone says, days after he took his first steps, the boy was running. Soon after the walking came the attempt at talking. He still is not all that verbal these days, but he is learning! We would guess he learns a new word almost every day.

In July of 2010, he became a big brother - a job he loves. He is concerned when she cries, loves to hold her, and gives her kisses almost any chance he gets. There is no doubt that he and his sister will be good friends one day.

Cameron's 2nd birthday party was celebrated on his actual birthday this year. He was spoiled, once again, by all of those that love him. The boy has a super cute wardrobe for this fall/winter/next spring. He also got a new train set (Fisher Price Geotrax), and he loves it. We got him a remote control train with it, and he has been spending a lot of time driving it. His birthday breakfast consisted of cinnamon rolls (his favorite) with the bright blue frosting from the cupcakes I was making for his party.

Good morning, birthday boy!

Daddy gave him the spatula from the frosting. He was a mess.

These days, we have been working on potty training. Cameron has gone on the potty twice in the past week. I am working extra hard to try to catch him before he goes in his diaper. The first time was when he woke up dry from his nap. I sat him on the potty and he went pretty quickly. The second time was when he went in the bathroom and said "potty!" so I sat him down, waited for a few minutes, and as I was out in the living room grabbing a diaper, he had gone again. We are making strides! The pediatrician he saw yesterday told me not to worry if he is not catching on fast. It takes some kids until they are 4 to be potty trained. I absolutely do not want to be changing 2 diapers for the next 2 years, so here's hoping!

Speaking of the pediatrician, Cameron had a pretty uneventful 2 year exam yesterday. He weighs 26 1/4 pounds and is 34 inches tall. He is in the 25th percentile for weight and 50th for height. I don't remember the exact measurement of his head, but it is in the 95th percentile. Future genius? I think so!


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Cameron!! So very sorry we missed it. )O; Heard from Great Gramma Bonnie that it was just wonderful tho. Here's hoping his 3rd year is his best one yet! Hannah looks super cute, too! Love and miss everyone in Michigan! Will be excited to be home for Sara's graduation and Christmas soon. Take care.

