I had to think about it for a second. It does not seem possible that I am only 2 days away from meeting my little girl. It seems like it was just yesterday that I took a test on a whim and found myself face to face with a positive result. It seems like yesterday that I was camped out on the couch for what felt like a month while Cameron played around me. And it literally feels like yesterday that we had our big ultrasound and found out that we were going to be having a daughter. Time has seriously flown by.
To say that I am excited is an understatement. I am thrilled that I am being blessed with another baby. I am exceptionally nervous that something is going to happen during delivery like with Cameron, but have been doing my best to keep that in the back of my mind. Hopefully with this being a planned delivery, and the fact that I have not had any signs of labor coming, everything will be perfect with Hannah when she is born. That really is the only thing I am scared of. Well, that, and the IV. It seems so silly that I am having surgery, and the thing I am most afraid of is a needle in my arm. The spinal block doesn't scare me. They don't really show you that needle. As long as the surgery goes well with no complications, and I can feel my legs when the anesthesia wears off, I will be just fine!
I have been keeping myself busy for the past couple of days. Yesterday, Cameron and I went to the mall with Josh's mom to waste some time. Mission accomplished. We left as soon as he woke up from his nap, and stayed gone until he was ready for another one. Today I am doing lots of laundry. I have waited until the last possible second to wash the mountain of clothes that were piling up on the basement floor. This afternoon, I will vacuum the floors and dust all the furniture. And of course, clean the bathroom. Josh will mow the lawn when he gets home from work, and we will have dinner. I will leave the house around 9:15 to go pick my mom up from the airport.
Tomorrow will be spent with my mom. I haven't seen her in a year. It seems so crazy that there was that much time spent between seeing each other. We literally talk to each other on the phone at least once a day. The days that we don't talk are weird. I love talking to her. Anyway, we will be having breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, since I can't get Josh to go there, followed by some shopping. The best part of the day? Pedicures sometime after Josh gets out of work. It was pretty important to me to look better when Hannah is born than when Cameron was born. I was in labor for many hours before Cameron was born, and looked terrible. My eyebrows should have been waxed before he was born though. The pictures of us in the hospital are atrocious. My eyebrows looked like caterpillars and Josh looked like a long lost member of the Beatles. This time we are prepared.
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