Cameron is quite a creative little guy..
He loves to give compliments, mainly to me, and often says 'Mommy, you look fabious (fabulous)!'
So when he went up to his room and picked out his own outfit and dressed himself this morning, I told him, "wow Cameron! You look fabulous!" He was quick to reply with a "NO MOMMY. I am not fabious. I am cool." Lol, okay then!
He has quite an interesting taste in music. He lives for going in my car and listening to the Yo Gabba Gabba cd, but has recently started to like different music. Like, Call Me Maybe for example. I played it once in Josh's car and he insisted that we replay it 3 more times afterwards. I think Josh's head was ready to explode.
I don't know if it's something he learned at school or if he just picked it up somewhere, but he has been thanking me after I make him meals. The other night, he was so thankful for the french bread pizzas I made. This morning, he came to me after he ate his pancakes and said "thanks for making me pancakes, mommy." My heart? It melted.
There have been others, but this kid is getting so smart. He asks every morning if it's time to go to preschool. I feared he would be 'afraid' of school and wouldn't want to go, but that is the farthest thing from the truth. He is learning and growing every day and I'm so proud to be his mom.
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