I forgot how completely depressing winter is. I hate looking outside and seeing gray skies. The snow is pretty until it's piled a foot high and makes it impossible to get your stupid tiny car out of the driveway. The air is frigid and makes you want to stay home. Blah. I am so excited for spring to finally come. Cameron can actually go outside and play this year, rather than rolling around on a blanket. We hope we can get him to walk before the spring comes so he can have fun. He has been taking a couple steps here and there, but no full on walking yet. We don't to rush him, but we are ready for a completely mobile toddler.
The big ultrasound is still about 3 weeks away. Time is just dragging. The good news is that I am finally starting to feel a little bit better. I still have problems every once in awhile with the nausea and the food aversions, but besides that, things are starting to look up.
Our house has been hit with the cold bug. Josh started to feel sick on Sunday morning, then Cameron started having a runny nose on Tuesday, and I have been having a sore throat and on and off stuffy/runny nose for the past few days. I hate it.
Hopefully soon the weather will get better and my posts won't be so depressing! Blahhh.
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